roofers checklist


Spring in the Rocky Mountains

That means …crazy weather.

The power of nature can be beautiful, but it can also be destructive.  Many of these storms are chased by good and bad roofing companies. Some are great and exactly what you need, and some are to be avoided. How do you know where to start?

Here’s a checklist to help:

Only accept bids from local contractors you have called. Only accept bids with price, scope of work and materials written on them. Homeowners have a 72-hour rescission/cancellation period. Never sign anything that has a cancellation fee! Request five (5) local references…


small business insurance claims

Common Small Business Insurance Claims And How To Prevent Them

When thinking about the type of insurance your small business needs, it’s important to understand the most common small business insurance claims. What’s even more important is learning how to prevent them. Even with insurance, it’s still time consuming to deal with business damage or lawsuits. Overall, there are five types of claims that happen the most often. While you hope they never happen to your business, it’s always better to be prepared.

1. Burglary

Burglaries account for 20% of all small business insurance claims. It’s disheartening to drive up to your business and see a busted window or …

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commercial insurance

Why Is Commercial Insurance Important For Your Business?

Every business needs commercial insurance to protect you and the business from random accidents, lawsuits and more. The truth is, you never know what might happen.

Take the worry away and invest in the right commercial insurance. When something does happen, you’ll be prepared. Still not convinced? See why insurance is the perfect business partner.

Accidents Can Happen Anywhere

Can you guarantee that no one will slip coming up your walkway or trip over a cable inside your business? With snow and ice during the winter in Denver, accidents are a real possibility. What happens when someone gets hurt? Odds …

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public liability insurance

6 Tips For Getting The Best Public Liability Insurance For Your Business

All it takes is one puddle of water to ruin everything you’ve worked hard for. It may sound crazy, but if a customer was to slip and fall because of a leak in your roof, they could sue you.

Without public liability insurance, you’d be responsible for legal fees, medical expenses and more out of your own pocket. For many small business owners, this could spell the end of the business.

No matter how hard you try to create a perfect business, you never know what might happen. Protect the business you’ve worked hard to build by ensuring you get the …

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business insurance

Types of Business Insurance and Why You Need Them

When it comes to managing your business, it is common to get so wrapped up in your day-to-day tasks that business insurance coverage can often seem like an afterthought. However, it is crucial that your business has the appropriate coverage to protect your organization against any claims or lawsuits that may arise.

Depending on the severity of the claim, just one lawsuit could have the potential to bankrupt your business. At the very least, it can severely damage your organization’s reputation, making it more difficult for your business to attract new clients and retain your current ones. Here are a few

Types of Business Insurance and Why You Need Them Read More »

car insurance increase

What’s Fueling Colorado Car Insurance Rates?

Colorado drivers are likely asking themselves “why are my car insurance rates going up?”

Startling insurance loss trends are emerging that put Colorado in the top ten states for growth in insurance claims and costs to pay those claims.

Coloradans are now starting to see those skyrocketing costs add up to higher insurance premiums and they want to know why. Some quick facts to help you better understand Colorado’s volatile auto insurance marketplace, along with potential solutions that would benefit all Colorado drivers.

Bottom-line: There are more auto accidents and each accident is more likely to end up in costly litigation. …

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auto theft insurance

Get to know your Vehicle Insurance

Vehicle Thefts – The Pitfall of the Mile High City

While the city of Denver has plenty talking points to brag about, apparently vehicle theft is not one of those points. According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau, the Mile High city ranks in the top 10 on the list of metros for auto thefts with keys. This means that while most of us would think it logical to always lock our car doors, many of us are not doing so. In fact on a nationwide basis, one out of every eight car thefts last year occurred where a car …

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Winterize Your Insurance

Winterize Your Insurance

Winterize Your Insurance

While our warm fall weather doesn’t make it seem real, winter is just around the corner. With winter, comes winter weather — ice, snow, and the inevitable cold air that can bring a bite to the holidays. Living in Colorado brings several options on how to handle the cold. You can either huddle up by the fireplace with some hot cocoa or bundle up in your best winter gear and brave one of the various outdoor adventures Colorado offers.

Winter Activities are here.

Regardless of your chosen winter activities, now is a good time to re-evaluate your current …

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Be Smart About Homeowner Expenses

Be Smart About Homeowner Expenses

Be Smart About Homeowner Expenses

It’s a moment that many adults look forward to: securing the keys to your very first home. Owning your dream house (or at least your very own starter house) can quickly turn into a nightmare if you haven’t done the proper research in advance. In addition to the bottom-line cost of the house itself, there can be several unplanned expenses that will add on to your initial homeowner’s debt. Below are some of these costs to consider when planning to make your home truly a sweet home.

Closing Costs. These can include different fees …

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avoid-the-teen-driving, teen driving

Avoid the Teen Driving Drama

Avoid the Teen Driving Drama

For the parents of teenage children, the joy of September’s “Back to School” can also bring with it the fears of having your teen hit the highway. It’s a milestone that both parent and child look forward to: the day when your child is old enough to drive. No more carpooling for Mom. No more chauffeur duties for Dad and the seemingly unrestricted freedom for child.

However, that freedom definitely comes with responsibility, and as a parent it is important to discuss such responsibility with your child. Even with the best insurance policy, coverage can only …

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